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For Niue | Legends

For Niue | Legends

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Three Niuean men, Tamaeli, Latoatama, and Folitahu, conspired to assassinate Resident Commissioner Larsen in 1953 while incarcerated. This pivotal event significantly impacted New Zealand's relations with the Pacific and stands as the sole occurrence of a New Zealand public servant being killed overseas.

In the early 1900s, Prime Minister Richard Seddon embarked on a mission to expand New Zealand's domain into the South Pacific, including Niue and the Cook Islands. By 1901, these islands became dependent territories under NZ law.

From 1943 to 1953, Cecil Hector Larsen, as Resident Commissioner for Niue, wielded unchecked power, oppressing the Niuean people. With no oversight, he acted as both judge and jury, leading to the imprisonment of Niuean residents for minor infractions.

Larsen's tyranny prompted allegations of abuse towards detainees, and the Niuean people petitioned the New Zealand Government three times, but received no support until Larsen's murder led to media attention and change.

The three men, originally from Liku, Makefu, and Hikutavake, escaped captivity and assassinated Larsen in his Niuean residence, turning themselves in the next day. They were initially sentenced to hang but due to pressure from the public and media and intervention from Queen Elizabeth they were eventually granted clemency, released between 1960-1970. Only Tamaeli returned to Niue before his passing.

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